Wednesday 28 April 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

RESEARCH- As a group we used to look at trailers and to see the varies convention, shots and aspects of horror that were shown within most of them. Then we discussed ideas and thought about how we can create our own horror convention (which lead to the creation of the 'URBAN HORROR') whilst strongly following Todorov's theory on equilibrium and dis-equilibrium to make a successful horror trailer. We used a video camera to record images that compare to ones we've seen within other horror trailers like 'Blair witch project' and 'Gothika'. using apple trailers to watch things like the Omen and then converting the avi into dv sections and using the sections to create our own horror trailer of the film, adding music and using editing conventions that i had learned. we then used I-movie to decide on what scenes and shots were good and also to play around and put things together in an attempt to meet horror conventions that will attract an audience also I-movie allowed us to use clever transitions that can smooth down each scene making it seem more authentic you can also add effects like adjusting the tones of certain frames to help with the conventions of horror e.g dark shady tones, red colourings that relate to blood and warning.
For my Magazine and poster I looked at many examples on google images where i was influenced from seeing some of these and understanding the conventions that i had to follow in order to attract my audience e.g. colour, central image and typography, renowned magazine like 'Fangoria' were strong influence simply because they usually follow the one main image rule I'm fond of. 'Photo-shop' was the software suitable for me to achieve in making substantial Ancillary texts to try and get the same layout and professional look that other world known magazines and posters have.
Here are some examples I've used as influence-


For all of my media products and my decision on choice of media technologies and how I used it was essential for portraying them in a authentic, realistic and attractive way for the audience to be subject to them. It was my aim to make sure i gained success through both of my ancillary texts. through research I've seen how its important to know how to attract an audience generally or specifically because with out an audience you cannot progress in this business so learning about the media conventions and horror aspects that had to include as helped me understand a lot more about marketing in general and how i can target audiences more effectively.

PLANNING- we agreed on the story line and made a story-board which we stuck by. Using digital video cameras, we filmed shots that would compliment a horror genre meaning we experimented with lighting, darkness, angles, shadows, breakage of light through trees etc and we experimented with different styles of shots, for e.g close ups, mid-shots, long shots, panning shots, fixed shots and different angles and levels to show mobility and levels. Planning allowed us to have a better understanding of what we could achieve through what we were doing and we can decide exactly how we wanted to address are target audience for a horror. Todorov's theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium spurred us to make a trailer that slightly follows his ideas because most the trailers we saw used this theory and it engaged us so we thought it'll be a good idea.

we used 'Photoshop' to make our poster and magazine front cover. we used varies different layouts and colours schemes that we experimented with, and many effects and transitions were used on each image, we had a general idea for our poster and magazine because we were strongly influenced by the images above and what they all have in common is that they all of them only have one image that delivers the convention of horror (other that the typography) i believe this works better then having many things happening at once because the one image in my ancillary texts all reveal aspects of horror, like the poster portraying 'me' screaming and the magazine showing anarchy and distress these both fall within the category of a horror convention. in addition we all knew that the majority of horror magazines and posters tend to be dark and Erie and usually the main image suggest some sort of evil, so that knowledge became useful when making these texts by abiding by those conventions and using the effects within 'photoshop' to experiment with different ideas which helped me understand what worked and what didn't thus making me understand what can attract an audience and what cant.

EVALUATION-we placed our trailer on youtube to know whether we succeeded in attracting and engaging our audiences by getting many people to watch and comment so we can record the feedback and know if are trailer was a success or not. We also conducted a screening were we invited many people within out sixth form to view all of our media products and made questionaires that ask the participants whether they liked the trailer, poster and magazine and having the choice to each one out of 10. our feedback was predominately very positive with everyone liking each part of my media products, this was good news because within the screening we made sure we had a diversity and contrast of age range which was between 16 up to 50 because teachers were invited too, our trailer was aimed at 15-30 year olds but every one liked it meaning we succeeded in engaging the audience and we met out target audience.


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