Monday 26 April 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?

listen to my podcast-

As I've explained before i believe i have diverse outlook within my media product, the general horror conventions immixed with the cast predominately being black makes a convergence of media that has been created which I've called 'Urban Horror'. I've called it this because Urban means 'Characteristic of the city or city life' and the setting is within a park in the city. A target audience is defined primarily by gender and age range, Additional elements include socioeconomic status, rural or urban, race, family status, theatre goers or not, and special interests, These interests can include anything from political learning's to religion or the particular subject matter of the film. The age certificate is 15 so my age range for target audience will be young adults ranging between 15 to 30 the plot revolves around students in an urban city so the socio-economic status will be lower class. To be successful in this business its best to appeal to many different audiences horrors usually targets white middle-class/young people which are often men, but my inclusion of Rap music does tend to relate to black working-class young people this boardens my target audience. my decision to have a young black cast from the city allows urban audiences to relate with the characters. With a mostly Black cast its hard to depict whether something is labelled a "Black film" but with my addition of a white male and female i believe i've opened up my target audience for them to see my trailer as a "Urban film" so in general the inclusion of a female in the cast allows the target audience to include young women too. The inclusion of a white male in the trailer is an attempt to appeal to the white youths too, the convergence of these two types of media has never blossomed before so it seems im marketing a new genre of media that could appeal to most.

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