Wednesday 28 April 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

listen to my podcast-

My most challenging and impressive break from convention is within my products because of the fact that I've mixed the "Urban" genre with "horror". I can relate to the chosen track of my trailer because It appeals to the urban music fan as Gigs is one of the biggest grime rappers in South London and because he is huge on the underground scene, it gives the film credibility with grime fans ive used the name of the song (DONT GO THERE) as a transition text on my trailer and also as a slogan on my poster linking the two and making them effective in terms of targeting my audience. even having the same title in the exact same font and size makes the effect better due to easier relation of the Three texts the Title is the font 'cracked' we used this to show the audience that the victims within the trailer are 'Breaking' down and also to portray that their worlds are 'cracking' up around them doing this on all the texts allows the audience to address all texts at the same time. i believe that the combination of our main product and my ancillary texts have been both effective and successful because they all have a relationship that suggest the genre and target audience. Each of my media texts are linked, In both the poster and magazine cover I have used screenshots from rushes of our main product. Along with photos of characters in their roles where people can easily relate each text together. This is effective because as an audience, the ancillary texts offer more advertisement, as well as the trailer. Unlike the trailer, and even the poster, a magazine can be re-used,seen multiple times, passed through other members of the family and friends. The magazine also offers more information on the film, for example spoilers coming up, interviews, or simply pictures of their starring characters. In the society we live in, when we like a media product we tend to want to know all there is about it including the stories, characters and actors involved. For example my magazine cover advertises an exclusive interview with one of the characters, and with the main image being chosen from the trailer, its instantly relate the two texts making the even more effective.


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