Saturday 17 April 2010

poster making day 1.
ive been tipped for a A grade so far for my trailer but that depends on what my trailer and magazine look like but still, im very happy about that!
a member of my group doesnt seem to be around enough so the two of us proceeded with the poster. to be very im not very talented when it comes how to the software provided to us to make the poster (photoshop) i had a vague idea but i knew nothing that could get the best out of a poster, so i asked for some assistances from a member of the opposite team (because it seems the rivalry is over) he is very good at making posters etc so he showed me how to work the software and gave me advice and i was able to proceed with making my poster, i took may pictures of things like woodlands and anything i could find that looked scary (my phone has a good mega-pixel which was very convinient) then i took a picture of a 'bloody hand' i had a volunteer to put red ink over his hand and smear it against a window.Posters need a picture which represents terror or horror conventions so I tried out a few examples of horror style photos. Many horror posters have a centre image which is always the focus of attention i aim to make my poster like these posters i have around my text, with the research i did all horrors posters need a aspect of terror so it gives off the right impression toward the genre. all the horror trailers ive seen have a slogon that suggest a subliminal horror e.g. 'you will never make it out alive' or it refers to something sinsiter. the lighting as you can see is very dull and the very aura of the posters is shear sinsiter so these posters have achieved in revealing there genre with simply a main image and sinister looking write.

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