Sunday 11 April 2010

We had our members of our group in this project and we all decided on what role we would all be allocated through out the project. We are stronger in different areas of this media e.g. im more talented with filming and editing whilst the other members like 'Karl' 'Shane' and Jordan are better at the magazine designs and posters so we all were given different tasks to make things quicker.

-We discussed the genre we were going to work with and how we will approach it (horror)

-We discussed what conventions we were intending to use and which we were going to subvert,

-We Discussed the main characters and the way we are going to fit Todorov's narrative theory to our trailer e.g

opening equilibrium: beginning, setting the scenes and plot.
disruption to equilibrium: crescendo, images of horror conventions etc.
Attempt to repair the disruption: maybe a glimpse of hope.

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