Monday 26 April 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

listen to my podcast-

  • MrJohnnylovesu raaa sick sick nice work!
  • bettythepuffin well done ladz
    this is amazing!
  • catfordboi this is brilliant! im actually happy i know you lot! well done!
  • mylinkysmoks jokes, dere shud be a proper film bout mansfield, not some camera crew with pigs on peoples day GREAT WORK.
  • AdreynCashArtist Well done, it reminds me of 'paranormal activity'. I like these types of films as the horror i felt after the movie is over, its way more effective.
above is a few of my audience's feedback on my trailer as you can see it is all very positive there is even a comparison to a real film 'paranormal activity' i believe i have successfully engaged my audience with a trailer that does appeal to them and Ive learnt that i know how to use horror conventions to make a horror generic trailer. also i conducted a screening for my media products where me and my peers made questionaires that requires feedback. The feedback was mostly positive and the majority said that the length of it allows the audience to get more enticed with the trailer, i believe this is because the equilibrium builds up the suspense to the crescendo allowing the audience to want more as the trailer ends. Some negativity was toward 1 scene in particular where the bottom half of the cast is running with the speed edited to be increased, some people within the screening found this funny although the film is only horror so that criticism was noted. we made that particular scene like that because we wanted it to be weird, the whole effect was to make that part of the trailer seem odd and strange because horror crescendos is usually the part were all the horror conventions are shown e.g. demons, villains, evil and any abnormality etc so we thought adding that in would help. All the people that participated with the screening said they would watch this film which does mean my trailer was success and Ive successfully engage my audience and also everyone there (apart from teachers) fell within my target audience age range and ethnicity so that acts as a bonus toward my acheivement, but i had mixed opinions on my other media products (poster & magazine) the poster did seem to get a rather medioca review with it scoring an average of 7 out of 10, the positives were that it looks real and authentic and it seems Ive created a pattern and colour coordination that relates to my trailer. The negatives were that the comments were slight immature 'gruesome, ghetto-horror'. the whole idea was to express the convergence of media between urban and horror in my poster as well as my trailer, i've done this by firstly having myself who is black on the front of the poster and placing song lyrics as my slogan from a rap song (DONT GO THERE) which does relate to the horror, but at the same time im still sticking to horror conventions by having dark tones and horror aspects from my face looking in terror and the text is written to support horror too.


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