Monday 12 April 2010

with the filming we had we finalised exactly what we want in our story which is - undergraduates going out camping or just having fun, then at the location of where they are going some of them within the group become corrupted by the very essense of the 'location' and they all need to fight for survival. the real reason we did this was because the villian scenes we filmed werent properly done i say this because the villian was wearing a patterned hoodie which doesnt really compliment any horror aspects we made a conscious decision to rarely show the "villain", "monster" or "serial killer" we decided to keep this hidden in the trailer to increase the tension as the original intended footage of the killer was not very frightening at all, so we evolved around this problem and made it seem like the people that came to the 'location' became corrupt and turnt against each other (this was also done to save time), by doing this we have eliminated the idea of 'villian'.

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