Sunday 25 April 2010

in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

listen to my podcast-

My most challenging and impressive break from convention is the fact that I have mixed the "Urban" genre with "horror". Previous British films featuring "Urban" culture and young black protagonists have all been gritty gangster films (eg Adulthood, Kidulthood, Bullet Boy, Harry Brown). Tis film aims to target the same audience and the horror audience for a new genre crossover - "Urban horror". From the very beginning my aim was to challenge 'typical' horror conventions within my trailer by straying away from having Villains that maybe masked or their identity might be concealed. My aim was to achieve horror intrinsically meaning i wanted the horror to come within the individuals that are alien to their surroundings, so its as if there is a entity that is causing anarchy within the students. My idea of using hand held cameras was simply to make everything seem more realistic for the audience to relate to, the realism of it also creates more suspense because your looking at what only the camera man can see whilst watching meaning your perception is their perception. The hand-held effect was necessary because the budget dictated it I had no access to tracking, or steadycams therefore like other low budget horrors ("Paranormal Activity" and "Blair Witch Project"), the handheld style suited the gritty realism of the urban-horror crossover.
A real media product like 'The Blair Witch Project' was strong influence toward my decisions in this trailer especially the fact that they were students. so I used and developed this idea because students (e.g. the young) are more emotionally tied to the audience because of there age, people may be more empathic toward them so having a cast of students can help the effect of horror in its entirety.


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