Sunday 25 April 2010

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

listen to my podcast-

The clear things denoted from my trailer is that the cast is predominately Black, doing this has already made a diverse genre and this most probably will/has decided my chosen audience, which is multi-ethnicity. The fact that my cast is mostly black and the genre is horror it slightly makes a convergence of media which I've decided to call an 'urban horror' simply because i haven't ever seen a horror with a predominately black cast or its very rare/ not highly rated i added a scene with a white male just so i can appeal to white youth as well so you could say its 'tokenism' for view but its simply a strategy to get more diversity within my trailer. my audience would most probably appeal to young adults aged 15 to 30 my films age certificate is 15 so this will support my theory. The gender of my audience will most probably be male because of the amount of male characters I've portrayed within my trailer plus my poster and magazine are quite masculine with dark colours and tones and writing that all suggest that it appeals to males. I deliberately included a female in the car to add a female dimension to the film and expand the target audience, i thought if i didn't it would be predominately male (as horror films are primarily enjoyed by young males).

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