Wednesday 14 April 2010

day 3 of editing- all i needed to do is finish the equililbrium and the parts after the cresendo and also add text....

the first part of the equililbrium was easy to finish because its slow and the camera is fixated on one person, i decided to break up the interview scene with transitions coming after each question is answered this was simply to smoove things down, i added music behind this scene, slow horror, emotional music to set the scene this is good because Karl did well to make a sense of distress and discomfort in the way he was speaking through out the interview and i added text which immixed through the scene saying 'the only surivivor' which adds to why he would be in such discomfort and distress. after that scene i added more text saying 'Real footage of Mountsfield Massacre' just after karl says "just look at the video" then the next part of the equilibrium begins with me filming in the car messing around as students do when their going out, the scene gives the audience a part of the story they can relate to which is young people out having fun together. This allows them to empathise with the characters.i believe this scene adds to that effect im looking for because they all seem like they our having fun but we as the audience already know that the night will end in tragedy so with that effect in play i added more text saying 'A night to remember' which is subliminally refering to the horrors to come. then after the text its the scene where they are in the park just settling and then toward the end you see one of the students walking of in the dark and the heart beat after which goes in through the end of this scene straight through the build up to the cresendo.

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