Wednesday 14 April 2010

day 1 of editing- i do believe my editing wont take very long because ive already arranged every part of filming into the right order its just i need to make everything perfect, smooth and also add effects.

being backward as always :-s i started editting the cresendo scenes first because that seemed alot more fun and i'd have alot more to mess around with trying hard to make it as weird, fast and scary as possible... i experimented with different colour tones, sounds, transitions and i came up with something that looked really good but it does seem that i dont have enough things to fill the cresendo part of the trailer, my idea was to have something that makes people jump instantly as soon as the cresendo starts and i tested this on a friend with the volume high and the screen wide and HIS reaction was a scream! so i believe i succeeded in the fear factor of my trailer. afterward i put in the running scenes with transitions to make them move smoothing from scene to scene and its looking really good also i experimented with the tempo of the frames so i can make them faster in scenes as the cresendo picks up, but as i thought before i dont have enough scenes for this... ill have to do more filming.

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