Monday 3 May 2010

Magazine making- For my Magazine I researched many on google to understand the conventions that was needed to be followed to have a effective magazine that will attract my target audience e.g. colour, central image and typography as I've said before well known magazines like 'Fangoria' were strong influence simply because they usually follow the one main image rule where only one image portrays the convention of horror. example-

with theses examples and others ive seen i was able to understand how to attract my audience and the conventions revealed from these magazines and others i've seen do suggest that horror magazines are aimed at a more male target audience because of the colouring and typography e.g. each one of these magazines follow a a similar colour scheme which is red, the things in red are the things that are meant to draw your attention plus red has a relation to blood in comparison and the shade of red used for these magazines and it does resemble blood, but in general with the colour and tone they do portray very masculine features which will attract male audiences.

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