Wednesday 12 May 2010

I've followed all conventions needed to make a successful horror magazine with a colour scheme that is aimed to promote horror also a image that portrays a certain disturbance and the typograph appealing and last but not least the title being bold, red and meaningful in the respect of horror.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Magazine making-
I had many pictures left over from my poster creation so I didn't need to take any new ones because all the pictures were taken to address a horror convention and my magazine is also horror so revising them was wise. these are a few of the pictures I've taken from before-

All these pictures were taken at the same time and I wanted to achieve a sense abnormality through the picture all of them do portray a sense of surrealism but the picture below was the one we thought achieved richly in making the audience believe that something anomalous is happening because of the pictures characteristics e.g the hand over the face and the distorted facial expression suggest something is wrong. Its the aspects of this picture which make it effective, the 'natural' pixelated view allows the audience to see a natural abnormality before actually looking at the main image. We used 'Photo-shop' to experiment on different effects that could add the pixels and we did we managed to slightly blur the facial features, hand and arm to aide the weird abnormal effect.

After deciding that the picture above will be the main image for our magazine we worked on the typography. Through previous research, we already know that most horror magazine are aimed at male audiences this is shown through the typography, text, slogans and choice of colour and colour schemes. e.g. renowned magazine below- The colour scheme for this magazine is black and red both of these colours relate to horror BLACK being the colour of darkness and RED being the colour of blood make a coalition that subliminally makes this magazine effective.

with what we know we were ready to make our magazine.

Monday 3 May 2010

Magazine making- For my Magazine I researched many on google to understand the conventions that was needed to be followed to have a effective magazine that will attract my target audience e.g. colour, central image and typography as I've said before well known magazines like 'Fangoria' were strong influence simply because they usually follow the one main image rule where only one image portrays the convention of horror. example-

with theses examples and others ive seen i was able to understand how to attract my audience and the conventions revealed from these magazines and others i've seen do suggest that horror magazines are aimed at a more male target audience because of the colouring and typography e.g. each one of these magazines follow a a similar colour scheme which is red, the things in red are the things that are meant to draw your attention plus red has a relation to blood in comparison and the shade of red used for these magazines and it does resemble blood, but in general with the colour and tone they do portray very masculine features which will attract male audiences.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

RESEARCH- As a group we used to look at trailers and to see the varies convention, shots and aspects of horror that were shown within most of them. Then we discussed ideas and thought about how we can create our own horror convention (which lead to the creation of the 'URBAN HORROR') whilst strongly following Todorov's theory on equilibrium and dis-equilibrium to make a successful horror trailer. We used a video camera to record images that compare to ones we've seen within other horror trailers like 'Blair witch project' and 'Gothika'. using apple trailers to watch things like the Omen and then converting the avi into dv sections and using the sections to create our own horror trailer of the film, adding music and using editing conventions that i had learned. we then used I-movie to decide on what scenes and shots were good and also to play around and put things together in an attempt to meet horror conventions that will attract an audience also I-movie allowed us to use clever transitions that can smooth down each scene making it seem more authentic you can also add effects like adjusting the tones of certain frames to help with the conventions of horror e.g dark shady tones, red colourings that relate to blood and warning.
For my Magazine and poster I looked at many examples on google images where i was influenced from seeing some of these and understanding the conventions that i had to follow in order to attract my audience e.g. colour, central image and typography, renowned magazine like 'Fangoria' were strong influence simply because they usually follow the one main image rule I'm fond of. 'Photo-shop' was the software suitable for me to achieve in making substantial Ancillary texts to try and get the same layout and professional look that other world known magazines and posters have.
Here are some examples I've used as influence-


For all of my media products and my decision on choice of media technologies and how I used it was essential for portraying them in a authentic, realistic and attractive way for the audience to be subject to them. It was my aim to make sure i gained success through both of my ancillary texts. through research I've seen how its important to know how to attract an audience generally or specifically because with out an audience you cannot progress in this business so learning about the media conventions and horror aspects that had to include as helped me understand a lot more about marketing in general and how i can target audiences more effectively.

PLANNING- we agreed on the story line and made a story-board which we stuck by. Using digital video cameras, we filmed shots that would compliment a horror genre meaning we experimented with lighting, darkness, angles, shadows, breakage of light through trees etc and we experimented with different styles of shots, for e.g close ups, mid-shots, long shots, panning shots, fixed shots and different angles and levels to show mobility and levels. Planning allowed us to have a better understanding of what we could achieve through what we were doing and we can decide exactly how we wanted to address are target audience for a horror. Todorov's theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium spurred us to make a trailer that slightly follows his ideas because most the trailers we saw used this theory and it engaged us so we thought it'll be a good idea.

we used 'Photoshop' to make our poster and magazine front cover. we used varies different layouts and colours schemes that we experimented with, and many effects and transitions were used on each image, we had a general idea for our poster and magazine because we were strongly influenced by the images above and what they all have in common is that they all of them only have one image that delivers the convention of horror (other that the typography) i believe this works better then having many things happening at once because the one image in my ancillary texts all reveal aspects of horror, like the poster portraying 'me' screaming and the magazine showing anarchy and distress these both fall within the category of a horror convention. in addition we all knew that the majority of horror magazines and posters tend to be dark and Erie and usually the main image suggest some sort of evil, so that knowledge became useful when making these texts by abiding by those conventions and using the effects within 'photoshop' to experiment with different ideas which helped me understand what worked and what didn't thus making me understand what can attract an audience and what cant.

EVALUATION-we placed our trailer on youtube to know whether we succeeded in attracting and engaging our audiences by getting many people to watch and comment so we can record the feedback and know if are trailer was a success or not. We also conducted a screening were we invited many people within out sixth form to view all of our media products and made questionaires that ask the participants whether they liked the trailer, poster and magazine and having the choice to each one out of 10. our feedback was predominately very positive with everyone liking each part of my media products, this was good news because within the screening we made sure we had a diversity and contrast of age range which was between 16 up to 50 because teachers were invited too, our trailer was aimed at 15-30 year olds but every one liked it meaning we succeeded in engaging the audience and we met out target audience.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

listen to my podcast-

My most challenging and impressive break from convention is within my products because of the fact that I've mixed the "Urban" genre with "horror". I can relate to the chosen track of my trailer because It appeals to the urban music fan as Gigs is one of the biggest grime rappers in South London and because he is huge on the underground scene, it gives the film credibility with grime fans ive used the name of the song (DONT GO THERE) as a transition text on my trailer and also as a slogan on my poster linking the two and making them effective in terms of targeting my audience. even having the same title in the exact same font and size makes the effect better due to easier relation of the Three texts the Title is the font 'cracked' we used this to show the audience that the victims within the trailer are 'Breaking' down and also to portray that their worlds are 'cracking' up around them doing this on all the texts allows the audience to address all texts at the same time. i believe that the combination of our main product and my ancillary texts have been both effective and successful because they all have a relationship that suggest the genre and target audience. Each of my media texts are linked, In both the poster and magazine cover I have used screenshots from rushes of our main product. Along with photos of characters in their roles where people can easily relate each text together. This is effective because as an audience, the ancillary texts offer more advertisement, as well as the trailer. Unlike the trailer, and even the poster, a magazine can be re-used,seen multiple times, passed through other members of the family and friends. The magazine also offers more information on the film, for example spoilers coming up, interviews, or simply pictures of their starring characters. In the society we live in, when we like a media product we tend to want to know all there is about it including the stories, characters and actors involved. For example my magazine cover advertises an exclusive interview with one of the characters, and with the main image being chosen from the trailer, its instantly relate the two texts making the even more effective.

Monday 26 April 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

listen to my podcast-

  • MrJohnnylovesu raaa sick sick nice work!
  • bettythepuffin well done ladz
    this is amazing!
  • catfordboi this is brilliant! im actually happy i know you lot! well done!
  • mylinkysmoks jokes, dere shud be a proper film bout mansfield, not some camera crew with pigs on peoples day GREAT WORK.
  • AdreynCashArtist Well done, it reminds me of 'paranormal activity'. I like these types of films as the horror i felt after the movie is over, its way more effective.
above is a few of my audience's feedback on my trailer as you can see it is all very positive there is even a comparison to a real film 'paranormal activity' i believe i have successfully engaged my audience with a trailer that does appeal to them and Ive learnt that i know how to use horror conventions to make a horror generic trailer. also i conducted a screening for my media products where me and my peers made questionaires that requires feedback. The feedback was mostly positive and the majority said that the length of it allows the audience to get more enticed with the trailer, i believe this is because the equilibrium builds up the suspense to the crescendo allowing the audience to want more as the trailer ends. Some negativity was toward 1 scene in particular where the bottom half of the cast is running with the speed edited to be increased, some people within the screening found this funny although the film is only horror so that criticism was noted. we made that particular scene like that because we wanted it to be weird, the whole effect was to make that part of the trailer seem odd and strange because horror crescendos is usually the part were all the horror conventions are shown e.g. demons, villains, evil and any abnormality etc so we thought adding that in would help. All the people that participated with the screening said they would watch this film which does mean my trailer was success and Ive successfully engage my audience and also everyone there (apart from teachers) fell within my target audience age range and ethnicity so that acts as a bonus toward my acheivement, but i had mixed opinions on my other media products (poster & magazine) the poster did seem to get a rather medioca review with it scoring an average of 7 out of 10, the positives were that it looks real and authentic and it seems Ive created a pattern and colour coordination that relates to my trailer. The negatives were that the comments were slight immature 'gruesome, ghetto-horror'. the whole idea was to express the convergence of media between urban and horror in my poster as well as my trailer, i've done this by firstly having myself who is black on the front of the poster and placing song lyrics as my slogan from a rap song (DONT GO THERE) which does relate to the horror, but at the same time im still sticking to horror conventions by having dark tones and horror aspects from my face looking in terror and the text is written to support horror too.

How do you attract/address your audience?

listen to podcast-

My target audience was created rather than aimed for, either way i achieved on attracting my audience by having certain conventions that allow them to be subject to influence e.g. race, the majority of my trailer is made up of Black cast this can lead to a majority of black audiences because social groups tend to follow there own kind for varies different reason like; culture and preferences. I aimed for a age range between 15-30 i believe I've achieved this by making the characters within the trailer 'students' that have just finished college and are heading to university and knowing that most university students graduate around the age of 22-24 i believe these ages will be able to relate to the style of which the students are portrayed e.g. having a night out/ having fun. The setting of all this is within a park in a urban town so urban people may also be attracted to this simply because they can relate to urban life and lifestyles. Posters aren't usually bought but seen so my strategic selling point would be to place them around fast food shops, around schools, colleges, universities, generally places where students will be able to see them easily and often so the more they see it the more they get influenced and the more they might want to watch it. My magazine is low priced so this can appeal to a lower social economic barrier, my main target audience is full time students many of them don't have a jobs so the price can be easier on them to acquire.