Thursday 25 March 2010

Challenging horror film conventions- In nearly every horror film there’s a villain that is feared by many, most of the time the villain conceals his true identity by wearing a mask e.g. scream, Halloween and the saw series etc it creates a barrier between the villain and his victim because he is seen more scary and mysterious. I wanted to be different, so I’ve decided to stray from this typical horror aspect, by not really introducing a main villain but instead showing anarchy and revealing messages within the trailer that will say things that will express the chaos within the victims e.g. corruption, insanity, sickness and the struggle to resist. This will be more terrifying because the audience will be more terrified by their imagination than any character I could show on the screen. This will make the film more of a psychological horror.
Horror films are movies that strive to elicit the emotions of fear, horror and terror from viewers. Their plots frequently involve themes of death, the supernatural or mental illness. Many horror movies also include a central villain which I plan to base my trailer around, also my idea of using a story of involving ‘students’ can add to a factor of remorse, whenever a young person is murdered we naturally feel ‘more’ empathic toward them and the situation simply because they haven’t lived as long as adults, which is obvious but are media perception of these things allow us to be more empathic and this can be a major aspect of my trailer.
Another location (My friends house)- I believe this will be a good place for a horror trailer simply because his mum is a very talented surrealist artist. They have many odd pictures very creaky floors, stairs and doors. The painting and sculptures could be shown as the victims are in the villain’s house the sculptures look very deranged on the screen-test I filmed for my research; the creaking could show the oldness and also add to the scariness. His basement being very dark would be a great addition toward the trailer.
Mountsfield park (location 1)- I live near a park which I no very well and I’ve also been there a lot at night with friends and I can personally tell you that the sound of something you’re unfamiliar with will scare you no matter who you are in this park, my personal experiences here has most definitely influenced me toward using it in my trailer. There’s a woodland part that looks good for a 'Blair witch project' type trailer which I have filmed its good because of the levels of the ground and angle of the trees and gaps within the bushes etc this means I can achieve many different shots which is relevant to horror, this is a perfect location to set my horror trailer. The darkness and woodland suggests horror. There are a lot of open plains as well which looks good for people running away on simply just a shot of the landscape. Many abandoned toilets/houses/areas etc all good for horror. below is an image of the woodland part of Mountsfield.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


My genre will be horror for my media brief. I’ve researched many different horror trailers on and what I found was that it never gives away the ‘horror’ at first, it slowly introduces horror with typical horror aspects like the weather (stormy) and time of day (night time). Horror is revealed through written messages that come up throughout the trailer e.g. in 'gothika' it shows Halle Berry in what is a usual day going to work (which is working in a psychiatric prison') the weather is typical of a horror which is heavy rain, night time and thunder and lighting. It shows her talking to patients but whilst this happens Erie music is heard and the screen blacks out revealing a message of relevance to the story line (which is horror) e.g. 'Dr. Miranda Grey is and expert' which shows her profession and the word 'expert' reveals that she may be renowned or looked up to by others, the messages start to change as the trailer progresses saying things like 'until she was on the other side' which is in complete contrast to the first message adding to the suspense making us as the audience expecting and wanting more. The trailer starts to reveal scary aspects of the film which starts to grip the audience, Gothika, hostel, saw and many other horror films trailers use this technique. I believe ill use this same method for my trailer. The conventions used were all similar and all the trailers i saw all coincidentally followed the Todorov's narrative theory which is equilibrium, disruption and attempt to repair disruption seeing and knowing exactly how this theory works i believe i'll utilise it for my trailer.