Wednesday 12 May 2010

I've followed all conventions needed to make a successful horror magazine with a colour scheme that is aimed to promote horror also a image that portrays a certain disturbance and the typograph appealing and last but not least the title being bold, red and meaningful in the respect of horror.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Magazine making-
I had many pictures left over from my poster creation so I didn't need to take any new ones because all the pictures were taken to address a horror convention and my magazine is also horror so revising them was wise. these are a few of the pictures I've taken from before-

All these pictures were taken at the same time and I wanted to achieve a sense abnormality through the picture all of them do portray a sense of surrealism but the picture below was the one we thought achieved richly in making the audience believe that something anomalous is happening because of the pictures characteristics e.g the hand over the face and the distorted facial expression suggest something is wrong. Its the aspects of this picture which make it effective, the 'natural' pixelated view allows the audience to see a natural abnormality before actually looking at the main image. We used 'Photo-shop' to experiment on different effects that could add the pixels and we did we managed to slightly blur the facial features, hand and arm to aide the weird abnormal effect.

After deciding that the picture above will be the main image for our magazine we worked on the typography. Through previous research, we already know that most horror magazine are aimed at male audiences this is shown through the typography, text, slogans and choice of colour and colour schemes. e.g. renowned magazine below- The colour scheme for this magazine is black and red both of these colours relate to horror BLACK being the colour of darkness and RED being the colour of blood make a coalition that subliminally makes this magazine effective.

with what we know we were ready to make our magazine.

Monday 3 May 2010

Magazine making- For my Magazine I researched many on google to understand the conventions that was needed to be followed to have a effective magazine that will attract my target audience e.g. colour, central image and typography as I've said before well known magazines like 'Fangoria' were strong influence simply because they usually follow the one main image rule where only one image portrays the convention of horror. example-

with theses examples and others ive seen i was able to understand how to attract my audience and the conventions revealed from these magazines and others i've seen do suggest that horror magazines are aimed at a more male target audience because of the colouring and typography e.g. each one of these magazines follow a a similar colour scheme which is red, the things in red are the things that are meant to draw your attention plus red has a relation to blood in comparison and the shade of red used for these magazines and it does resemble blood, but in general with the colour and tone they do portray very masculine features which will attract male audiences.